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CVP & Me


Updated: Mar 9, 2024

The Creative Visionary programme (or CVP for short) is a 12-week online program that Nicholas Wilton (Founder of Art2Life) has developed to offer you a clear, sequential method for creating your best and most personal art yet. This is a program that I support wholeheartedly because I took it in 2021 and it shifted my art and my mindset in powerful ways I've listed below. Nick teaches, alongside other amazing coaches, the main principles of art making - design, value, colour, texture, risk, soul and shares a useful Business Primer too.

Here I’ve listed how CVP was for me - My best art decision ever (and for my life too!)

- Before CVP I was almost a year into painting abstractly but still finding my way with the process and materials. I didn’t understand colour properly (which is something I absolutely love!) Being a greeting card designer in the day job helped me to understand design and composition but not so much with painting abstractly as it is completely different. I felt fairly new to painting. I’ve dabbled over the years, but after studying art at school then completing my Art Foundation course I didn’t go onto University. I couldn’t decide what to do - I enjoyed it all! I did feel like I maybe missed out though but now I’ve done CVP I feel so much more confident in my art making, now I understand the principles, and It’s helped build the confidence in myself too.

- Family and friends can see the change in my art - saying it looks much more stronger. They can see my art making is a big part of me now and that it’s something that’s really important to me.

- After CVP I gained an art studio!! Or rather we built a studio in our garden, my Husband and I and both our Dad’s. Whilst doing CVP I painted in a corner of our kitchen and, for one of the first exercises of CVP wrote ‘Have an Art Studio’ on my Desire board. I pinned it up on my wall and hid it behind something and my Husband didn’t see it. Then, towards the end of CVP, Nicholas Wilton spoke of making space mentally and physically for your art, a week later my Husband suggested getting a garden studio!! We built it in the summer and I absolutely LOVE it!!

- I sold one of my CVP panels halfway through the course!

- I’ve created this website.

- I was interviewed on the 'Creative Ways' podcast - I would never have done that before CVP! Find the link to it on my ‘About’ page.

- I’ve built strong relationships with fellow CVP 2021'ers! All supporting each other and offering advice.

- I'm a member of Global ARTelier 21. 9 CVP 21'ers who meet regularly on Zoom and currently planning our very own art exhibition in Milan in May 23.

- I've exhibited my art at art exhibitions and an Art trail since doing CVP - my first ever art exhibitions!

- As well as the main principles of art making and Inspiration of CVP, Other valuable things I learnt in CVP…

- Not comparing myself to others. Before CVP I would and I’d always want to be able to paint like ‘them’. I now know that I have my own voice, my own style to develop and grow and now when I scroll Instagram I really appreciate others work and enjoy seeing it.

- To paint little and often is key - I now don’t get frustrated if I don’t have a big chunk of time to paint. It fits into my life more.

- Do the art I enjoy making not the work I think others will like.

- I’m less indecisive in art and life! Which is great as I was always so indecisive before!!

It really was a great decision for me to take the plunge and do the course. It was intense, I did it alongside the day job too and kids but so so pleased the course was there for me right when I needed it.

Oh and I still hear Nicks voice in my head whilst creating!!

Click this link to find out more - I just know you'll love it!

I hope you enjoyed reading my take on it.

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ellen michel
ellen michel
Feb 19, 2022

Thank you for this! So wonderful that you've embraced your desire to create and paint.

Feb 20, 2022
Replying to

You‘re welcome Ellen :) This blog post has been great for me too to really evaluate for myself, the whole CVP experience!

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